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From Tea Picker to Future Hotelier

Growing up in the heart of a tea plantation, Teresia's world was far removed from the dreams most children cherish. Her single mother struggled to make ends meet, forcing young Teresia to balance school with the harsh realities of plantation life. It was a childhood marked by sacrifice, where helping her family often took precedence over personal aspirations.

Yet, Teresia was a beacon of hope in her own life. Despite the challenges, she clung to her education. After school, she’d often find herself alongside her brother, picking tea leaves to supplement their meager income. The weight of these responsibilities was heavy, but her spirit was resilient.

Then came a turning point. A scholarship offered a lifeline. With newfound financial stability, Teresia immersed herself in her studies. Kimlea Girls Technical Training Centre equipped her with practical skills in food production and service, laying a solid foundation for her future. A dedicated mentor guided her, nurturing her potential and igniting a passion for the hospitality industry.

Today, Teresia is a confident young woman who is gaining invaluable experience through a demanding part-time job. Her journey from tea picker to aspiring hotelier is an inspiration. With a diploma in her sights and a dream of owning her business, she’s a living testament to the power of human potential.

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