On January 20th, 2024, 20 strategic minds of Limuru Mission Primary School clashed in an exhilarating chess tournament hosted at the vibrant Kimlea Girls Technical Training College. The battle? A showdown between the pioneers, the 20 girls we trained in chess, and their proteges, a group of kids they skillfully mentored. A chess odyssey unfolded, captivating a total of 94 young minds.
The tournament was more than just a game; it was a testament to the power of mentorship and the transformative magic of chess. The 20 girls, originally our apprentices, have not only embraced the art of chess but have become mentors themselves, passing on their wisdom to more than 94 others!
Amidst the intense battles and checkmate maneuvers, three young champions emerged victorious, claiming their prize – chess boards that would undoubtedly become the canvas for future grandmaster moves.
The excitement echoed through the halls of Kimlea Girls Technical Training College as these young minds celebrated not just their victories, but the camaraderie, discipline, and problem-solving skills that chess had instilled in them.