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hospitality students straightening beddings
hospitality female students smiling and wearing graduation gowns

Legacy Giving

Imagine a future where your kindness lives on, touching lives and changing destinies long after you’re gone. Legacy giving allows you to leave a meaningful gift to the women and girls in Kianda Foundation projects in your will. After securing the future of your loved ones, your bequest can provide vital support to women and girls in Kenya, enabling them to receive the education they need to overcome poverty and build a brighter future.

What Your Gift Means

Your legacy gift to the Kianda Foundation is more than just a donation—it’s a lifeline. It ensures that women and girls across Kenya have the opportunity to pursue quality education, which is essential for breaking free from the cycle of poverty. Your generosity can ignite hope, open doors, and create transformative change that will echo through generations.

"I joined Tewa (Kilifi) in 2011 for the two year hospitality course. I am the third born in a family of five children. My mother is a peasant farmer and my father passed away in 1997. After finishing high school, I stayed at home for four years feeling hopeless as I could not afford to continue with my education due to financial problems. In 2011 a lady friend of mine from Kikambala called to tell me about Tewa; that she was sponsored for her school fees and all her upkeep expenses during her entire period of her studies. I also applied to Tewa and got accepted with my school fees and upkeep catered for. Now after my studies, I am able to take care of my mother and my two younger siblings. I can see greater opportunities for me ahead in life"


2 women at Tewa College in Kilifi

"I am a graduate of the agriculture outreach program at Tewa. I am a widow with four children.

Prior to coming to Tewa, I practiced small scale farming in my little garden but the yield of the harvest used to be very low. I only planted maize by scattering the seeds and this resulted in losses as some of the seeds never germinated. I later abandoned farming because of the heavy losses.

When I joined Tewa however, I learnt how to plant and manage a variety of crops. I also learnt how to plant crops in a straight line using the right spacing and planting using organic manure. Armed with this knowledge I started farming again. My piece of land is small but I have been able to plant different vegetables which provide a balanced diet for my children. I plant amaranth, eggplant, green pepper, sweet potatoes. I am also able to produce extra vegetables for sale thus earning an income.

In addition, I am regularly hired in the Tewa farm due to the fact that I am competent in managing horticultural crops. Currently I am able to provide for my family's basic needs through my own income."


agriculture outreach program


a woman picking tea in a tea farm

Current Students 

"I was born in a village known as Kaspat together with 5 other siblings. My father is a Jua Kali (informal trader/ artisan). After the death of my mother, my eldest sister filled the gap of a mother and with her help I am who I am today. She is also a casual worker. At home we rear a few rabbits, have one sheep and a few chickens. Completing my secondary school had not been easy and I had quite a few struggles. I couldn’t just stay at home and do nothing, I was determined to get employed somewhere so that I can raise some money for my personal needs and also assist my father and siblings. I got a job as a house help for the first time when I was in form 3. I worked there until I completed my secondary school. My dream is to study hard and smart so that I can graduate and get my certificate. I want to help girls like me who are struggling with life out there and facilitate their education. My dream is to work in a plane as an air hostess or on a ship so that I can have a solid ground to start my own business and teach girls how to cook in my hotel."


 Kimlea Girls Technical College

"I come from a small village called Kawaida which is in Kiambu County. I am the first born in a family and I have two brothers. We live with my mother and grandmother. My mother is employed in Yara Tea and Coffee Company where she picks tea and does the pruning. In life, I have endured so many things such as lack of enough finances. My mother would not have enough to pay my school fees. She struggled but in the end she succeeded to put me through high school. From the time I finished high school I supported myself and my family by baking cakes and selling them, which I did for two months. I later on looked for a job at Yara Tea where I worked for 4 months carrying coffee and drying it. I applied to Kimlea and got a chance to further my studies. I hope to pursue a career in hospitality as a chef. In 5 years I want to get employment as an air hostess, a train stewardess, in a hotel or hospital. This is before I am able to start my own business. It has always been my joy to learn new skills that I am now learning to appreciate it so much."


Kimlea Girls Technical College


Legacy giving supporting women’s education in Kenya
a hospitality student taking notes in class

How To Give

  1. Gifts by Will

  • Outright Bequests: Leave a specific amount or property to Kianda Foundation in your will, ensuring your legacy supports education and empowerment.

  • Residuary Bequests: After your loved ones are cared for, you can choose to donate a portion of your remaining estate to Kianda Foundation.

  • Contingent Bequests: If a primary beneficiary predeceases you, your gift can be redirected to Kianda Foundation, ensuring your intentions are fulfilled.

  • Income Interests: Establish a charitable lead trust where income is paid to Kianda Foundation for a set time, with the remainder going to loved ones.

2. Life Insurance

You can name Kianda Foundation as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, extending your impact beyond your lifetime.


3. Life Estate Agreement

Donate your home or farm to Kianda Foundation while retaining the right to live there for the rest of your life. This ensures you enjoy your residence while knowing it will support a greater cause.

Holding Gift Box


Tel. +254 722 530449

Email: info@kiandafoundation.org


Monday - Friday 9:00am - 05:00pm

Our Offices are within Kianda School, Karbarsiran Avenue, Nairobi


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